How to get massive traffic with video editing - DigiArtVale


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Saturday, December 7, 2013

How to get massive traffic with video editing

Author: followthemonkey
 Windows Movie MakerFor those beginners who would like to learn more on the basics first, I suggest that you try to use Windows Movie Maker. WMM is video creating/editing
software that is included in recent versions of Microsoft Windows. It contains features such as effects, transitions, titles/credits, audio track, timeline narration, and Auto Movie. The "Drag and Drop" technique is applied here. New effects and transitions can be made and existing ones can be modified using XML code. You can freely import existing files to your storyboard. The accepted formats for import are .WMV/.ASF, .MPG (MPEG-1), .AVI (DV-AVI), .WMA, .WAV, and .MP3.

This Tutorial will introduce you to some basic concepts of video editing. It will cover: What editing means, why we do it and what we hope to achieve. An introduction to the different methods of editing video. A few basic terms to get you started. Note: For more advanced tutorials see our main editing tutorials section.
What is Video Editing?
Video editing is the process of manipulating and rearranging video shots to create a new work. Editing is usually considered to be one part of the post production process — other post-production tasks include titling, colour correction, sound mixing, etc. Many people use the term editing to describe all their post-production work, especially in non-professional situations. Whether or not you choose to be picky about terminology is up to you. In this tutorial we are reasonably liberal with our terminology and we use the word editing to mean any of the following: Rearranging, adding and/or removing sections of video clips and/or audio clips. Applying colour correction, filters and other enhancements. Creating transitions between clips.

The Goals of Editing

There are many reasons to edit a video and your editing approach will depend on the desired outcome. Before you begin you must clearly define your editing goals, which could include any of the following: Remove unwanted footage This is the simplest and most common task in editing. Many videos can be dramatically improved by simply getting rid of the flawed or unwanted bits. Choose the best footage It is common to shoot far more footage than you actually need and choose only the best material for the final edit. Often you will shoot several versions (takes) of a shot and choose the best one when editing. Create a flow Most videos serve a purpose such as telling a story or providing information. Editing is a crucial step in making sure the video flows in a way which achieves this goal. Add effects, graphics, music, etc This is often the "wow" part of editing. You can improve most videos (and have a lot of fun) by adding extra elements. Alter the style, pace or mood of the video A good editor will be able to create subtle mood prompts in a video. Techniques such as mood music and visual effects can influence how the audience will react. Give the video a particular "angle" Video can be tailored to support a particular viewpoint, impart a message or serve an agenda.

Different Types of Video Editing There are several different ways to edit video and each method has its pros and cons. Although most editors opt for digital non-linear editing for most projects, it makes sense to have an understanding of how each method works. This page provides a very brief overview of each method — we will cover them in more detail in other tutorials.

Film Splicing

film-splicer2.jpgTechnically this isn't video editing, it's film editing. But it is worth a mention as it was the first way to edit moving pictures and conceptually it forms the basis of all video editing. Traditionally, film is edited by cutting sections of the film and rearranging or discarding them. The process is very straightforward and mechanical. In theory a film could be edited with a pair of scissors and some splicing tape, although in reality a splicing machine is the only practical solution. A splicing machine allows film footage to be lined up and held in place while it is cut or spliced together.

Tape to Tape (Linear)

Linear editing was the original method of editing electronic video tapes, before editing computers became available in the 1990s. Although it is no longer the preferred option for most serious work, it still has a place and remains the better option in some cases. It is likely that linear editing will be a useful skill for a long time to come. Linear Editing ConfigurationIn linear editing, video is selectively copied from one tape to another. It requires at least two video machines connected together — one acts as the source and the other is the recorder. The basic procedure is quite simple: Place the video to be edited in the source machine and a blank tape in the recorder. Press play on the source machine and record on the recorder. The idea is to record only those parts of the source tape you want to keep. In this way desired footage is copied in the correct order from the original tape to a new tape. The new tape becomes the edited version. This method of editing is called "linear" because it must be done in a linear fashion; that is, starting with the first shot and working through to the last shot. If the editor changes their mind or notices a mistake, it is almost impossible to go back and re-edit an earlier part of the video. However, with a little practice, linear editing is relatively simple and trouble-free.

Digital/Computer (Non-linear)

Digital Editing SoftwareIn this method, video footage is recorded (captured) onto a computer hard drive and then edited using specialized software. Once the editing is complete, the finished product is recorded back to tape or optical disk. Non-linear editing has many significant advantages over linear editing. Most notably, it is a very flexible method which allows you to make changes to any part of the video at any time. This is why it's called "non-linear" — because you don't have to edit in a linear fashion. One of the most difficult aspects of non-linear digital video is the array of hardware and software options available. There are also several common video standards which are incompatible with each other, and setting up a robust editing system can be a challenge. The effort is worth it. Although non-linear editing is more difficult to learn than linear, once you have mastered the basics you will be able to do much more, much faster.

Live Editing

In some situations multiple cameras and other video sources are routed through a central mixing console and edited in real time. Live television coverage is an example of live editing. Live editing is a fairly specialist topic and won't concern most people.

Video Editing Terminology This page provides a few simple video terms to get you started. For more editing terminology, see our glossary or search this site. Capture Device: A hardware or firmware device used to convert analogue video into digital video. Compressors & Codecs: Software or firmware used to compress and decompress digital video. Compression makes the file size smaller. Editing: The process of rearranging, adding and/or removing sections of video clips. Also, creating transitions between clips. Editing is part of post-production. Encoding: The process of converting digital video into a particular format, for example, saving a video project in MGEG-2 format for DVD distribution. Layering: Adding multiple layers of superimposed video. Linear Editing: Also known as tape to tape editing. A method of editing in which footage is copied from one tape to another in the required order (more info). Non Linear Editing: An editing method which uses computer software to edit the footage (more info). Transition: The way one shot changes to the next (more info). Post Production: Everything that happens to the video and audio after production, i.e. after the footage has been shot. Post production includes video editing, audio editing, titling, colour correction, effects, etc.
Video: See how to use special features to polish your movie
After you download your video from your digital video camera to Windows Movie Maker, you can polish your video by adding transitions, special effects, titles, credits, background music, and narration. These special features add mood and depth to your movies, making them even more fun to watch.

See it in action

Watch the video now to see how easy these features are to use. Watching the video requires that you have Windows Media Player. Top of page
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Do it yourself

Now that you've seen what Movie Maker can do, read these articles for more detailed instructions on how to add a professional touch to your movie: • Add transitions and special effects. Transitions fade, flip, or slide one scene into the next. Special effects change the way a video clip appears by changing the speed or brightness, or by making the video look old. Movie Maker has dozens of fun and useful transitions and special effects. Add transitions and special effects Published: August 8, 2006 Windows Movie Maker includes about 60 transitions and 28 special effects you can easily use to add professional touches and visual interest to your movies. Transitions are how one scene switches to the next. Rather than simply ending one scene and beginning the next, you can use Movie Maker transitions to insert fades, flips, dissolves, and other dramatic shifts between scenes. Special effects change the appearance of a video clip by rotating it, slowing it down or speeding it up, or making it appear like old film footage. Like transitions, you can easily add special effects to your movie by dragging the relevant special effect icon onto your movie timeline.

How to add a transition

Transitions do cool things as your movie switches from one scene to the next. Note: In most movies and TV shows, there are no transitions; scenes simply advance from one to the next. Therefore, for the most professional appearance, don't use any transitions. Home movies are supposed to be fun, though, so use all the crazy transitions you want. However, remember your audience: you might want to use just use a few so you don't overwhelm your viewers. To add a transition between two movie clips 1. Download video from your camera to your computer, and add clips from your collection to your storyboard. 2. In the Movie Tasks pane, under Edit Movie, click View video transitions. Movie Maker Movie Tasks pane with View video transitions selected 3. Preview transitions by double-clicking them and watching the Preview Monitor. Once you've found a transition you like, drag it from the Video Transitions pane, under Edit Movie pane to the box between two of your clips. This inserts the transition between the two clips. Dragging a transition to the storyboard 4. In the Preview Monitor, click the Video Transitions pane, under Play button to watch your transition in action. If you don't like it, just return to the previous step to replace it with a different transition. Movie Maker Preview Monitor with Play button selected If you decide not to use any transition, right-click it on the storyboard, and click Delete. Transition shortcut menu with Delete selected Transitions cause your video clips to overlap by about one second, which means you won't see all of the first or last second of your clip. So, when you're filming, it's good to start the camera a few seconds before the action starts, and to keep filming for a couple of seconds afterward so that you have time to transition between scenes. This also helps you get a steadier shot. If you don't need the extra time in a clip, you can trim it from your clip in Movie Maker.

How to add a special effect

You can use special effects to change how your clips play in several different ways: • Speed up a clip using Speed Up, Double, or slow down a clip using Slow Down, Half. • Zoom in using Ease In, or zoom out using Ease Out. • Make a clip appear older by using Sepia Tone, Film Age, or Grayscale. • Rotate a clip using one of the Rotate effects (perfect if someone accidentally holds the camera sideways). • Fade in using one of the Fade In effects, or fade out using one of the Fade Out effects. • Fix exposure problems using Brightness, Decrease or Brightness, Increase. To add a special effect 1. Download video from your camera to your computer, and add clips from your collection to your storyboard. 2. In the Movie Tasks pane, under Edit Movie click View video effects. Movie Maker Movie Tasks pane with View video effects selected 3. Preview effects by double-clicking them and watching the Preview Monitor. Once you've found an effect you like, drag it from the Video Effects pane to one of your clips. This adds the effect to the clip, which you can see by looking at the star in the lower-left corner of the clip. Dragging a video effect to the Movie Maker storyboard 4. In the Preview Monitor, click the Play button to watch your effect in action. Movie Maker Preview Monitor with Play button selected You can add more than one effect to a clip. For example, if you want to both brighten a clip and add a zoom effect, you can addEase In and Brightness, Increase. You can also add a single effect multiple times to increase the effect. For example, add multiple Brightness, Increase effects to brighten a scene even more, or add two Speed Up Double effects to quadruple the speed of a clip. If you don't like the effect, right-click the star icon in the lower-left corner of the clip, and click Delete Effects. Video effects shortcut menu with Delete Effects selectedAdd titles and credits. With just a few clicks, you can add a professional-looking title to your movie and list the stars in rolling credits at the end. You can also use titles in the movie to introduce people or places. Add titles and credits Published: August 8, 2006 You can use the same techniques that movies and TV shows do to begin and end their films. By using the title and credits feature in Windows Movie Maker, you can easily create an interesting title sequence at the beginning of your movie and provide a list of credits at the end. You can also place titles in between scenes of the movie. Opening titles introduce your movie to your audience and provide background information about what they're about to watch. For example, a good opening title might be, "Tom's Fourth Birthday Party" or "Hite Family Vacation 2006." You can show a title on a blank background or over your first clip. Example of Movie Maker title Credits at the end of your movie provide a more satisfying ending while telling the viewer who was in the movie. This is also a great place to thank the people who helped you make the movie. You can show credits on a blank background or over your last clip. In Movie Maker, credits are considered a special type of title that can comprise many lines. Example of Movie Maker credits You can also use titles throughout your movie to introduce scenes or describe what is happening on screen. For example, in a vacation movie, you might add a title between scenes that reads, "Day 2: The Water Park". Or you can use titles to introduce people. For example, the first time each of your family members appears on screen, you might display a title over the video that shows their name. Example of Movie Maker overlay title To add a title screen before your movie 1. Download video from your camera to your computer, and add clips from your collection to your storyboard. 2. If you want to add a title before, after, or on top of a clip, click the clip on the storyboard or timeline. 3. In the Movie Tasks pane, under Edit Movie, click Make titles or credits. Movie Tasks pane with Make titles or credits selected 4. Choose the type of title you want to add. Movie Maker Where do you want to add a title? page with Add title on the selected clip selected 5. Click Change the title animation. Notice that you can choose between one-line titles, two-line titles, and credits, which can be many lines. You can use credits any time you need to display more than two lines of text, not just at the end of your video. Movie Maker Enter Text For Title page with Change the title animation selected 6. On the Choose the Title Animation page, browse through the different animations and watch them in the Preview Monitor to get an idea of what they'll look like. When you find the animation you want to use, click Change the text font and color. Movie Maker Choose the Title Animation page with Change the text font and color selected 7. On the Select Title Font and Color page, choose the color and font you want to use. If you're adding the title over a clip, use a dark font color for bright scenes and a light font color for dark scenes. Then click Edit the title text. Movie Maker Select Title Font and Color page with Edit the title text selected 8. On the Enter Text for Title page, enter your text. Then click Done to add the title to your movie. Movie Maker Enter Text for Title page with Done selected 9. If prompted to switch to the timeline view, click OK. Movie Maker dialog box with OK selected 10. In the Preview Monitor, click the Play button to see how your title will look in your video. Movie Maker Preview Monitor with Play button selected 11. If you want to change your title (for example, to change the color of the text to make it more readable), right-click the title on the Title Overlay row of the timeline, and then click Edit Title on the shortcut menu. Title shortcut menu with Edit Title selected Remember, you can add titles any time you want the viewer to know what you're showing or who someone on the screen is. • Add music. Nothing sets the tone of a movie like music. Add some tropical music to set a relaxing tone for a vacation movie, or use a hip-hop beat to set a fast pace for a sports highlights movie. Add music Published: August 8, 2006 There's no better way to create a mood or crank up the energy in your home movies than by adding music. If you haven't yet copied your CDs to your computer, read Quickly Rip CDs to Your Computer to learn how. With Microsoft Windows XP and Windows Movie Maker, you can add any music from your CD collection to your home movies. To add music to your movie: 1. Download video from your camera to your computer, and add clips from your collection to your storyboard. 2. In the Movie Tasks pane in Movie Maker, under Capture Video, click Import audio or music. Movie Maker Movie Tasks pane with Import audio or music selected 3. In the Import File dialog box, click the name of the song you want to use in the background. Then click Import. This adds your song to your collection but does not add it to your video. Import File dialog box with Import button selected 4. Drag the song from the collection to the video clip where you want the music to start playing. Dragging a song to a video clip 5. If prompted, click OK. Movie Maker dialog box with OK selected 6. Movie Maker shows your song on the timeline. If the song extends beyond the end of the movie, drag the right edge of the song so that it ends at the same time as your movie. Otherwise, the song will keep playing after your movie is done. It's a nice touch to have the music stop during a quiet spot so that it doesn't just stop abruptly. Dragging the edge of an audio clip 7. Click Play in the Preview Monitor to watch your movie and listen to the background music. Movie Maker Preview Monitor with Play button selected 8. If the background music is too loud or too soft in comparison to the movie, right-click the music on your timeline, and then clickVolume. If the audio and music sound good, you can skip the next step. Audio shortcut menu with Volume selected 9. In the Audio Clip Volume dialog box, move the slider to the left to make the music quieter, or to the right to make it louder. Then click OK. Return to step 7 to listen to the audio again and make another adjustment if necessary. Audio Clip Volume dialog box with OK button selected Next time you're filming video, think about the background music. For example, if you're filming a football game, see if you can get a copy of the team's fight song. If you're on vacation, buy a CD of local music so you can add it to your movie. • Add narration. If you were to watch a home movie with friends in your living room, you'd probably describe where you were in each scene and tell funny stories that happened off-camera. With narration, your stories become part of your movie, so your friends across the Internet and around the world can hear them, too.
Add narration Published: August 8, 2006 Often, home movies don't have much audio. For example, if you filmed your child snowboarding, there might be nonstop action but nothing to listen to (except the cheering audience). Or, the audio in the background may be distracting if you're videotaping in a noisy area or from a moving car. Fortunately, with Windows Movie Maker, you have two options if you want to make up for the lack of audio: you can add or replace the audio with your own narration of the action, or with music. • Add music. Add music (such as songs copied from a CD) to your movie. This is perfect when you want to create an atmosphere or add some energy to your movie. • Add narration. Record yourself speaking over your movie. This is perfect when you need to describe what's happening on-screen or tell stories that happened off-camera. Note: If you want background music instead of narration, you can use titles to introduce people or describe settings. To add narration to your movie 1. If you have a desktop computer, connect a microphone. Microphones are available from most electronics stores. If you have a portable computer, you can use the built-in microphone. However, you will get a better-quality recording if you connect an external microphone.

Connecting a microphone to a computer 2. Download video from your camera to your computer, and add clips from your collection to your storyboard. 3. In Movie Maker, click the Tools menu, and then click Narrate Timeline.

Movie Maker Tools menu with Narrate Timeline selected 4. If prompted, click OK.

Movie Maker dialog box with OK selected 5. On the timeline, click the clip you want to narrate. You can narrate clips one at a time, or you can narrate the entire movie all at once. If you narrate individual clips, you can rearrange them later and keep your narration synchronized.

Movie Maker timeline with a video clip selected 6. Speak normally into your microphone, and adjust the Input level so that the bar is about halfway up when you are speaking.

Adjusting the Input Level 7. Under Narrate Timeline click Start Narration.

Movie Maker Narrate Timeline page with Start Narration selected 8. Speak into your microphone as Movie Maker plays your movie. You can narrate your entire movie at once or just one clip at a time. When you're done narrating, click Stop Narration.

Movie Maker Narrate Timeline page with Stop Narration selected 9. Movie Maker will save your narration as a separate file. In the Save Windows Media File dialog box, type a name for your narration. Then click Save.

Save Windows Media File dialog box with Save button selected 10. Movie Maker adds your narration to your video. If you only narrated part of your video and you want to add narration to other clips, return to step 5. 11. Click Play in the Preview Monitor to watch your movie and listen to the narration.

Movie Maker Preview Monitor 12. If the narration is too loud or too soft in comparison to the movie, right-click the narration on your timeline, and then click Volume. If the audio and narration sound good, you can skip the next step.

Movie Maker Movie timeline shortcut menu with Volume selected 13. In the Audio Clip Volume dialog box, move the slider to the left to make the narration quieter, or move it to the right to make it louder. Then click OK. Return to step 11 to listen to the narration again, and make another adjustment if necessary.

Audio Clip Volume dialog box with OK button selected If you don't like the way your narration sounds, don't worry—nobody likes to hear their own voice. Just relax and speak in a normal tone, as if you were telling a friend on the phone about your movie. It may take you a few tries to get the timing right so that your narration doesn't go on longer than your movie. If you misspeak often, it might help to write a script that you can read during the narration. To delete narration so that you can re-record it, right-click the narration on the timeline, and then click Delete. You should alsodelete the narration from the collection.

Audio shortcut menu with Delete selected Once your movie is polished, learn how to save your movie and share it with your friends.
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